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John Lisle | DATE | CATEGORY
I get the privilege of travelling all across the United States as part of my job, talking to countless folks in various industries. One great perk is being able to chat with engineers, contractors, and other industry experts about building better projects.
After you’ve had a few (hundred) of these chats, you notice a few things.
The most interesting thing I noticed was how some ideas about helical pier foundations are widespread in industrial construction. I could talk to 5 different people from 5 different places, and hear the same misconceptions about helical piers.
Some of these misconceptions are, honestly, the fault of the helical pier industry itself. There’s some fantastic experts and great companies in the market who put in tons of work to provide straight-forward information on helical pier foundations.
But there’s also plenty of people, and companies, that spread whatever information fits their own agenda. Regardless of whether that information is, you know, true or not.
In today’s blog, I’m uncorking the honesty as we take a look at 9 common myths about helical pier foundations that refuse to die.
If you’re an engineer, contractor, or anyone else who works in (or with) industrial construction…
…this is a post you can’t afford to miss.
1) A Crash-Course on Helical Pier Foundations2) Busting Helical Pier Myths 2.1) Myth #1: Helical piers are a “new” foundation 2.2) Myth #2: Helical piers, screw piles, and helical piles are all different things 2.3) Myth #3: Helical piers are only good for light loads (less than 30,000lbs) 2.4) Myth #4: Helical piers can’t hold high lateral loads 2.5) Myth #5: Helical piers can’t be used in corrosive/saturated soils 2.6) Myth #6: Structural engineers don’t trust helical piers 2.7) Myth #7: Helical piers aren’t environmentally friendly 2.8) Myth #8: Helical piers have a limited scope of applications 2.9) Myth #9: Anyone can install a helical pier3) Conclusion
I get the privilege of travelling all across the United States as part of my job, talking to countless folks in various industries. One great perk is being able to chat with engineers, contractors, and other industry experts about building better projects.
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Over the past 20 years renewable energy generation has grown by a staggering 90% in the United States. In 2020 alone, wind and solar power were responsible for nearly 12% of all the utility-scale power here in the U.S. Clearly, renewable energy is the undisputed future of power.
But there’s more to wind and solar energy than putting up some turbines or solar panels and connecting the transmission lines.
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